I first installed and ‘used’ NeoVim and LazyVim on my mac. It came with a whole host of problems. Installing anything on mac through terminal usually comes with problems for me. Ones I don’t mind solving.

I recall the NeoVim and LazyVim installation having many issues before I could get them to work. From switching terminals (regular mac terminal to iterm2) to editing random files in the mac to ensure that the proper version of things were being used even though they were installed. (???)

After using it for months, I decided to try to install it on my windows computer. I figured the installation would be much harder and annoying but surprisingly after the first few hiccups it was smooth sailing.

It was only after using this setup on my windows and learning a little bit more LazyVim through this free online book (Dusty Phillips is releasing the chapters bit by bit as he completes them. Incredible work.), I realized I’ve not been using LazyVim at all on my mac (or at some point it stopped being the default on NeoVim). And even when I was, it wasn’t installed fully and properly.

Today I can I say I have it working fully on the mac. And not only that, but I’m also more equipped to check the ‘health’ and status of my NeoVim and LazyVim.